Improve Your Life Insurance Physical Exam Results

Your physician can determine the cost of your life insurance. Therefore, allow LifeQuotes to instruct you on how to improve the results of your life insurance physical exam.

Your life insurance medical exam typically lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. The examination is accompanied by a review of your medical history. There are straightforward ways to improve the results of your life insurance physical exam.

Using some straightforward advice, you can maximize your exam preparation. It is important to ensure accurate readings. The exam examines your urine and blood, so consuming excessive amounts of any food or drink can lead to erratic results. In certain instances, electrocardiograms are performed. Not every life insurance policy requires a medical exam. If yours does, however, you can improve your results by considering the following:

  • Nicotine levels in the bloodstream. On the application, if you denied being a smoker, there may be a problem.
  • Reduce your intake of fatty foods and salt a few days prior.
  • Illegal and legal drugs will be detected during the medical examination.
  • No caffeine It is prudent to schedule your exam before your first cup of coffee in the morning. In fact, you are better off if you can avoid caffeine for 24 hours prior.
  • Do not engage in any strenuous activity, including weightlifting or swimming, the day prior.
  • Avoid nonprescription medications. Decongestants for the nose and cough medicines can reveal the presence of alcohol in the system.
  • If you have borderline high cholesterol, you may wish to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet a few weeks before your procedure. Fish is also beneficial, as is avoiding saturated fats. Daily consumption of green tea, walnuts, almonds, and oatmeal can also reduce harmful levels.
  • If you do not smoke, you should avoid secondhand smoke. Numerous never-smokers have been found to have nicotine in their bloodstream. However, they will be considered a smoker and will be required to pay those rates for life insurance.
  • Remain alcohol-free for at least twenty-four hours.
  • The day before the exam, refrain from eating for at least eight hours and consume a lot of water.

Following these tips prior to your exam will increase your health and life insurance premiums.

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